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Illustration: © Jurgen Walschot


BoldLAW is a law firm specialised in the following fields of law:

  • operation and management of companies, associations and foundations

  • acquisitions, investments and financing

  • distribution and commercial contracts

  • ICT contracts and data management

  • litigation and arbitration in the fields above

We focus on clients who have the ambition to grow sustainably and to connect positively with their business partners.


Illustration: © Jurgen Walschot

BoldLAW loves:


Technology and law change every day, challenging us to evolve with them. Within this context, we constantly look for new opportunities for our clients.


We combine a pragmatic and practical approach with an in-depth analysis of legal issues. This allows our clients to move ahead and offers them a realistic risk assessment.


We work lean and mean to achieve our clients’ goals. Our invoice reflects this.


We make clear arrangements with our clients about our fees. This prevents unpleasant surprises down the road.  




Marijke Roelants is our managing partner.

Marijke is an experienced corporate lawyer with extensive experience in the assistance of both international and Belgian firms and associations in BoldLAW’s specializations.

Apart from being a lawyer, Marijke is also academically active. She has written a number of valued publications in her fields of law, she is a member of the editorial board of the most distinguished corporate law review in Belgium, TRV-RPS (‘Tijdschrift voor Rechtspersoon en Vennootschapsrecht- Revue pratique des sociétés’), and she publishes about Belgian company and association law reform in Balans-Bilan, an accountancy newsletter.

BoldLAW can count on an extensive network of legal experts in all areas of the law. We delight in connecting our clients with specialists in other legal fields without losing track of our core values such as efficiency.

Do you want to join BoldLAW ?

Let us know!


Illustration© Jurgen Walschot



BoldLAW has customized training programs for in-house legal teams. These training sessions help clients in staying on top of new developments such as the new code for companies and associations.

BoldLAW offers templates for rendering decision-making within companies and associations easy, understandable and legally full proof. 



What people write about our lawyers:


Company & association law

Dank voor al jullie inzet en hulp!!

(engineering bureau, the Netherlands, 2019)

"Thank you for the excellent conversation yesterday - it was clear you had a very clear appreciation of what we were after.

(international not for profit association, United Kingdom -Belgium, 2020)

"Hartelijk dank voor je snelle en heldere communicatie. Is zeer fijn!!!

(company developing health products, Belgium , 2021)

"Much appreciated your excellent support through this process.

(international non-profit association, human rights, Belgium , 2024)

"Even more relevant is the enthusiasm and care which you bring to your role. From a business side, we really appreciated your clarifications and expectations. (...)  From my side, I know that you are there when needed and that your work will always be accurate and with our best interests at heart.”

(International non-profit association, global reach standardisation, Brussels, 2024)

Hartelijk dank om dit in orde te hebben gebracht op heel korte termijn.
(manufacturer, multinational, 2017)
We hebben alles op heel korte tijd moeten klaarstomen voor de closing. Dit is ons gelukt, mede dankzij jouw uitstekende voorbereidende werk en documenten.
(listed company, Belgium, 2018)

"Thanks a lot for your support, a long way but we made it. Happy to have had you on board for this journey .

(health company, Belgium, 2020)

"Het was zeker prettig en professioneel samenwerken!

(engineering and digital manufacturing company, Belgium, 2022)

Thank you for your good care and very professional support in this operation.

 (international partnership, Belgium, 2024)

And it is always a pleasure working with you. Thanks for everything and we will obviously be back in touch next time we need some assistance in your part of the world.

 (global group, United Kingdom, 2024)

Nog eens hartelijk dank voor je inzet, flexibiliteit en professionalisme!
(spin-off company, Belgium, 2018)

Thanks again for your help, patience and great work.

(investor, Spain, 2019)

Je vous remercie pour l'ensemble de votre travail et votre professionalisme .

(investor, Switzerland, 2020)

Hartelijk dank voor uw grondig werk! De manier waarop je je inleeft in de situatie/sector, het dossier aanpakt en je praktische input doen mij veel plezier.

(insurance company, Belgium, 2022)

Thank you for the always very pragmatic and professional handling of all the different topics.

(healthcare group, Germany/ Switzerland, 2024)

Thank you very much for your explanations and the guidance you offered to us. We are very happy with your work and the approach you have guided us through.  (… ) Again thank you. Perfect work !
(international not for profit association, Germany-Belgium, 2017)
Thanks a lot for your voice mail the other day and for your detailed analysis of the contract. It’s a great job !

(company active in financial sector, Germany-France, 2017)

"Thank you again for all the excellent work you are doing to support our organisation, it is very much appreciated.

(international not for profit association, global reach , 2021)

"Ik wil jullie dan ook bedanken voor de snelle beschikbaarheid en de vakkundige ondersteuning."
(ICT-company, Belgium, 2018)
"Veel dank! Enkele heel terechte punten aangehaald ."

(agile ICT-company, Belgium, 2019)

Jouw ondersteuning heb ik altijd als uiterst professioneel en prettig ervaren. Nogmaals dank voor jouw uitstekende werk.
(director, the Netherlands, 2020)

The Board and I are really satisfied with the draft and feedback provided.

(international association, professional body, Belgium, 2023)

“Bedankt voor de feedback en de snelle en kordate opvolging van het dossier.”

(expert accountant, Brussels, 2023)




BoldLAW takes your questions seriously. Hence, we reply with a follow-up within twenty-four hours on week days.

Be bold and ask us a question.

BoldLAW  is located in the centre of Brussels,. At a less than 100 metres walk from the Brussels International South Station or a seven-minute drive from one of the nation’s main highways (E19), we are ideally situated to accommodate both local and international businesses.

Avenue Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 17,
1060 Brussels

Telephone number: + 32 (0)2/893 02 03

Illustration: © Jurgen Walschot

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